***Due to budget cuts Salem ARt Works will no longer be able to offer the Salem Teen Arts Program***

Join the STA mailing list and be the first to register for next year!


Our teen arts summer program is designed especially for teens 14-18 to develop their skills, connect with art, ideas, and other young people. This program welcomes all levels to enjoy a unique hands-on process. Come enjoy the country setting in Salem, NY on our 120-acre campus. Each one-week session will focus intensively on topics of their choosing. Our goal is to instill in each teen the skills needed to continue to explore the subject independently.

Class sizes will be kept small with a maximum of six students per class to help ensure safety and better-individualized instruction. Our experienced educators teach authentic art skills and are artists themselves. They draw upon their own professional experiences to educate the students in their respective fields.


NEW FOR 2024

For Summer 2024 we have expanded our Salem Teen Arts day-program to include three new disciplines including Dance, Stonecarving, and Papermaking! Last year we added Metal Foundry and Mold Making as well as Printmaking which will be returning for 2024. Printmaking has been expanded to include block printing, cyanotype printing and even screen printing if students express interest.


Our years of experience offer the best curriculum. Students will learn skills of their choosing such as foundry, stone carving, dance & movement, glassblowing, welding, blacksmithing, ceramics, paint making, painting, and printmaking.


Instructors are experienced educators and artists themselves. They draw upon their own professional experiences to provide the students with authentic techniques and valuable knowledge.

One Week Sessions
Monday through Friday

Full-Day: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM ($385/week)
Half-Day: 9:00 AM - 11:30 PM or 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM ($250/week)

Limited need-based scholarship opportunities are available for students. Please contact info@salemartworks.org for more information.


Limited need-based scholarship opportunities are available through Salem Art Works.
Deadline to Apply: May 1st
Award Notification: May 15th

SAW has reserved 1 spot in each workshop for students awarded scholarships (except for Stone Carving Week 1). To see class descriptions, visit the STA Workshops & Instructors page on our website. For additional information, visit the STA Home Page

SALEM TEEN ARTS is supported by

Telescope Casual Furniture

The Leo Cox Beach Foundation

Updated 10/22/2024